Best Private Schools in Guernsey
Co-Ed, Boys, Girls


Guernsey has 3 private schools which take pupils of high school age, some of which also have primary and nursery schools as well. All of these schools offer day places only.

Where Schools are Located

The Ladies’ College and Elizabeth College are both located in Guernsey’s capital, St Peter’s Port. Blanchelande College is situated in the centre of the island in Saint Andrew.

Day and Boarding Fees

All fees shown are annual and are inclusive of VAT.

From To Averaging
Day Places £14,655 £17,604 £15,969
Boarding Places N/A N/A N/A

School Genders in Guernsey

There is one co-ed school in Guernsey (Blanchelande College), one girls-only school (The Ladies' College) and one boys-only school (Elizabeth College).

How to Pass Entrance Exams for Private Schools in Guernsey

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Schools in Guernsey

There are 3 private schools in Guernsey.

1. The Ladies' College

Location Les Gravees, GY1 1RW

2. Blanchelande College

Location Bouillon Road, GY6 8XY

3. Elizabeth College

Location The Grange, GY1 2PY